How to increase body weights healthily.

Samuel Akapo
3 min readMay 11, 2021
Photo by Szabolcs Toth on Unsplash

In as much as there are a lot of people who wants to lose a portion of their body weight for various reasons, there are yet some set of people who also want to add weight for various reasons too.

As a dietitian, I have come across a lot of people asking me about how they can increase their body weight. And even at specific areas too.

The first thing you must know is weight gain should not be fat gain but muscle gain. And to achieve muscle gain, you need to bear some things in mind.

  1. Be patient.

Patience is a virtue that you must possess. Your muscle growth will be slow and steady depending on the intensity of work you put in and how consistent you are on the goal.

I tell people that it will always take a minimum of 6 months to see very significant and notable changes as well as proud moments. Your body never follows a fire brigade approach, it takes its time to build and structure itself based on your level of work and determination put into the transformation.

2. Focus on protein-rich and complex carbohydrate foods.

For you to gain some healthy weight (increase muscle mass), you will need to eat more complex carbohydrates and high protein foods.

When I say proteins, I refer to every healthy form of them. I am sure meats are the first thing that may come to mind, but I don't mean meats alone because they do not meet the body’s general health requirements. I will always recommend more plant sources like beans, lentils, groundnuts, tofu, chickpeas, plants milk, etc.

Complex carbohydrate sources are of the whole forms of all plant foods which will include the

cereals and grains like rice, corn, millet, oats, quinoa, etc

fruits and vegetables

roots and tubers like sweet and Irish potatoes, yam, cocoyam, beetroots, turnips, etc.

other seeds and nuts like flaxseeds, chia seeds, almonds, cashew nuts, groundnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, etc.

3. Exercise more with weights.
You cannot separate muscle gains and exercises that will engage your muscles. They are very necessary for muscle build-up and retention. Engage with weight training and make sure you isolate the parts you desire to see significant growths more times in a week.

In exercising with weights, be certain that everything works. Leg presses, hip thrusts, side lunges, squats will add to the glutes and thighs when you are consistent. This will get your body toned and built to satisfaction.

4. Get Adequate rest

Sleep as a form of rest is very essential in gaining weights too, just like it is a key part of weight loss. It is no doubt that everyone should get some good sleep daily. You need to allow the body to also repair, build links and formations while at rest. Adequate sleep is said to be between 7–8 hours.

5. Count your blessings.

Just like anyone, you will desire to know how far the efforts are paying, hence measurements and scales. Weigh your self or check your butt growth with measuring tape, cloth fittings or your “before and after pictures”. I would recommend you do that monthly and don’t get obsessed with the result, Rather get obsessed with the work.

I hope this helps you. I will love to hear from you on how you are putting this to work.



Samuel Akapo

Nutritionist-Dietitian. Lead dietitian at Samakapo Dietetic and nutrition consultancy . A renown whole food plant-based lifestyle advocate and a fitness coach.